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Top 7 Free Privacy Policy Generators for Ecommerce Websites

Every ecommerce website needs a privacy policy. Privacy laws around the world like the GDPR and CCPA require websites and apps that collect personal data to publish an accessible privacy policy.

A free privacy policy generator can help you quickly create a compliant privacy policy for your ecommerce store without needing to hire a lawyer.

In this post, we’ll look at the top 7 free privacy policy generator tools to help you generate a privacy policy for your ecommerce website in just a few minutes.

Whether you need a basic privacy policy template or a comprehensive policy that covers major privacy laws like GDPR and CCPA, these privacy policy generator options have you covered.

What is a Privacy Policy and Why Do You Need One?

A privacy policy is a legal document that outlines how your website or app collects, uses, stores, and protects user data.

It’s a crucial element of transparency and compliance with various privacy laws around the world, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

Privacy laws require you to inform users about their rights regarding their personal data and how you handle that information.

Failure to have a clear and accessible privacy policy can lead to legal issues, fines, and damage to your reputation.

1. Termly

Termly offers a simple free privacy policy generator that makes it easy to generate a free, customized privacy policy for your website.

Just answer a few questions about your business and website, and Termly will automatically generate a privacy policy that you can copy and paste onto your site.

Termly’s privacy policy generator covers all the key points that privacy laws require, like what personal information you collect, how you use it, and how users can exercise their privacy rights.

The free version is a great option if you just need a basic privacy policy template, but Termly also offers affordable paid plans with additional features like cookie consent and terms and conditions.

2. FreePrivacyPolicy

FreePrivacyPolicy is another popular free privacy policy generator for ecommerce websites.

Their simple questionnaire asks about your business location, what kind of personal data you collect, and how you use tools like Google Analytics.

Based on your answers, FreePrivacyPolicy will generate a customized privacy policy that aims to comply with major privacy laws like GDPR and CCPA.

You can then easily copy the auto-generated privacy policy text and paste it on your website or app.

One nice feature is that FreePrivacyPolicy’s policies come with a free hosted URL, so you can just link to the policy rather than pasting the whole text on your site.

This makes it easy to update your privacy policy whenever you need to.

3. has a straightforward privacy policy generator that can create a compliant privacy policy for your ecommerce store in just a few minutes.

Their questionnaire covers what personal data you collect, whether you use cookies, and other key points.

The free generated policy is quite comprehensive and written in an easy-to-understand way.

It includes all the legally required information about your data practices. uses clear section headings to help your users find specific details.

For a small fee, you can also generate terms and conditions and a cookie policy to go along with your privacy policy.

This is a good option if you want a complete website privacy policy package.

4. Shopify

If your ecommerce store is built on Shopify, you’re in luck – Shopify offers its own free privacy policy generator designed specifically for e-commerce.

Shopify’s generator asks about your store location and what personal information you collect, then creates a privacy policy template pre-filled with relevant details.

Since it’s made by Shopify, this generator has useful ecommerce-specific options, like whether you use Shopify Payments or offer user accounts.

The generated privacy policy aims to meet key requirements from GDPR, CCPA, and other privacy laws.

Keep in mind that Shopify’s generator is fairly basic, so you may want to add more details specific to your store.

But it’s a solid starting point for a free ecommerce privacy policy.

5. TermsFeed

TermsFeed is a popular privacy policy generator with flexible options for different kinds of websites and apps.

You can choose to generate just a privacy policy or a complete set of legal agreements.

TermsFeed’s questionnaire is quite detailed, covering the types of personal information you collect, whether you use cookies and Google AdSense, and other important points.

This allows the generator to create a comprehensive privacy policy that aims to comply with laws like GDPR and CCPA.

The generated policy is well-organized with clear sections, so your users can easily find the information they need.

TermsFeed offers a free privacy policy template, with premium options if you need additional customization or support.

6. Iubenda

Iubenda offers a privacy policy generator that can create a compliant privacy policy in minutes.

The setup process is very user-friendly, with a guided questionnaire that covers all the key points.

One standout feature is that Iubenda’s policies are optimized to meet requirements from privacy laws worldwide, not just GDPR and CCPA.

So if your ecommerce store has an international audience, Iubenda could be a good fit.

The generated policy includes clear explanations of how you collect and use personal data, how users can exercise their privacy rights, and other required details.

You can easily embed the policy on your website with provided code snippets.

Iubenda has a free plan that generates a basic policy, with affordable paid plans for additional customization and languages.

7. WebsitePolicies

WebsitePolicies has a straightforward free privacy policy generator that you can use to create a policy for your ecommerce store.

It asks a series of simple questions about your business and data practices.

WebsitePolicies will then generate a privacy policy that aims to meet requirements from GDPR, CCPA, and other privacy laws.

The policy includes key sections explaining how you collect personal information, use cookies, share data with third parties, and protect user privacy rights.

The questionnaire is not as detailed as some other privacy policy generators, but WebsitePolicies’ free generated policy covers the most important bases.

You can copy the policy text or link to a hosted version. Paid plans offer additional customization and policy types.

Privacy Policy Generator FAQs

Still have questions about using a privacy policy generator for your ecommerce store? Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

Why do I need a privacy policy?

Privacy laws like GDPR and CCPA require websites that collect personal data to have a privacy policy. Additionally, many third-party services like Google Analytics also require you to post a policy. A clear, comprehensive privacy policy helps build trust with your customers.

What should my ecommerce privacy policy include?

At a minimum, your privacy policy should disclose what personal information you collect from users, how you collect it, how you use and share it, and how users can exercise their privacy rights. If you use cookies, have a separate section explaining your cookie practices. It’s also good to explain how you keep user data secure.

Can I just copy somebody else’s privacy policy?

No, you should not copy another website’s privacy policy, even if it’s for a similar ecommerce store. Privacy policies need to be specific to your unique business practices. Using a privacy policy generator is an easy way to create a policy tailored for your store.

How often do I need to update my privacy policy?

It’s a good idea to review and update your privacy policy whenever you make significant changes to your data practices, like using a new analytics service or sharing data with additional third parties. With laws like GDPR, you’re required to keep your policy up-to-date. Many privacy policy generators include free updates to help you stay compliant.

Where should I post my privacy policy?

You should post a link to your privacy policy anywhere you collect personal information, such as account sign-up forms, newsletter subscriptions, and checkout pages. The link should be clearly visible. It’s also good to have a link to your policy in your website footer and/or “About” section, so it’s always easy to find.

By using a free privacy policy generator, you can quickly create a comprehensive, compliant privacy policy for your ecommerce store without needing to write complex legal text yourself. Choose the privacy policy generator that best fits your needs and customize it to match your specific data practices. Then post the policy prominently so your customers can feel confident trusting your website with their personal information.

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