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Top 10 Sources For Free Product Images for Ecommerce Website

Are you looking for high-quality, free stock images to use on your ecommerce website?

Finding the right product images can be a challenge, especially when you’re on a budget.

Fortunately, there are plenty of excellent resources available that offer free stock photos suitable for commercial use.

In this article, we’ll explore the top 10 sources for free product images that will help you create a stunning online store without breaking the bank.


Unsplash is a popular platform that offers a vast collection of high-resolution images, all available for free.

With a wide range of categories and a user-friendly search feature, you can quickly find the perfect product images for your ecommerce website.

The photos on Unsplash are contributed by talented photographers from around the world, ensuring a diverse selection of high-quality images.


Pexels is another excellent resource for free stock images, boasting a vast library of professional-grade photos.

The platform is easy to navigate, and you can browse through various categories or use the search bar to find specific images.

Pexels offers a mix of product images, backgrounds, and lifestyle shots, making it a versatile choice for your ecommerce needs.


Pixabay is a go-to source for free stock images, illustrations, and vectors.

With over 4.4 million images available, you’re sure to find the perfect visuals for your online store.

The platform offers a variety of product images, from electronics to fashion, and the high-quality photos can help elevate your ecommerce website’s appeal.

Burst by Shopify

Burst is a free stock photo platform created by Shopify, one of the leading ecommerce platforms.

The images on Burst are carefully curated and specifically designed for online stores, ensuring they’re relevant and eye-catching.

Whether you need product images, lifestyle shots, or background visuals, Burst has you covered.


Kaboompics offers a wide range of high-quality images that are free to use for commercial purposes.

The platform specializes in lifestyle and product photography, making it an excellent resource for ecommerce websites.

With a clean and user-friendly interface, finding the perfect images for your online store is a breeze.


Gratisography is a unique collection of quirky and creative images that can help your ecommerce website stand out.

The platform offers free high-resolution photos with a distinct style, perfect for adding personality to your product pages or social media posts.

While the selection may be more limited compared to other sites, Gratisography’s images are sure to make an impact.


If you’re running a food-related ecommerce business, FoodiesFeed is a must-visit resource.

The platform offers a vast selection of appetizing food images, all available for free.

From ingredients to finished dishes, FoodiesFeed has a wide range of high-quality photos that will make your products look irresistible.

New Old Stock

For a vintage or retro vibe, New Old Stock is an excellent choice.

The platform offers a collection of historical photos that are free from copyright restrictions.

While these images may not be suitable for all ecommerce websites, they can add a unique and nostalgic touch to certain products or brands.


Morguefile is a long-standing resource for free stock images, offering a diverse selection of high-quality photos.

The platform is easy to navigate, and you can search for specific images or browse through various categories.

With new photos added regularly, you’ll always have fresh options for your ecommerce website.


While Canva is primarily known as a graphic design tool, it also offers a collection of free stock photos.

The platform’s images are high-quality and can be easily integrated into your designs.

Plus, with Canva’s user-friendly editor, you can quickly customize the images to fit your brand’s style and create eye-catching visuals for your online store.

When using free stock images for your ecommerce website, it’s essential to pay attention to the licensing terms.

Make sure the images you choose allow for commercial use and check if attribution is required.

Additionally, consider the overall aesthetic of your website and select images that reflect your brand’s personality and values.

High-quality product images can have a significant impact on your ecommerce website’s conversion rates.

By using attractive and relevant visuals, you can capture your visitors’ attention, showcase your products in the best light, and build trust with potential customers.

Free stock image sites like Unsplash, Pexels, and Pixabay make it easy to find stunning photos without the need for a professional photographer or expensive photoshoots.

In addition to using images on your product pages, consider incorporating visuals throughout your ecommerce website.

Use engaging photos on your homepage, in blog posts, and on social media to create a cohesive and visually appealing brand experience.

Optimize your images for web usage to ensure fast loading times, as this can impact your website’s performance and user experience.

When selecting images for your ecommerce website, keep your target audience in mind.

Choose photos that resonate with your ideal customer and accurately represent your products.

If you have a specific niche or style, look for images that align with your brand’s aesthetic.

Consistency is key when it comes to creating a memorable and trustworthy online presence.


In conclusion, there are numerous free stock image sites available that offer high-quality visuals for your ecommerce website.

From Unsplash and Pexels to specialized platforms like FoodiesFeed and Gratisography, you have a wealth of resources at your fingertips.

By carefully selecting images that reflect your brand and enhance your products, you can create a stunning online store that captures your visitors’ attention and drives conversions.

So, start exploring these top 10 sources for free product images and elevate your ecommerce game today!

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