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OLITT vs WordPress

OLITT vs WordPress: WordPress is one of the most groundbreaking innovations in Website Design and Development. WordPress is content management software (CMS) available for free and on premium.

Free WordPress is called while the premium WordPress is called provided by Automattic.

About WordPress is a free and open source CMS developed in PHP programming language and uses MYSQL and Maria DB database. WordPress is the most popular CMS and is used by over 60 million Websites globally. As at April 2019, at least 33.6% of the Top 10 million Websites were built on WordPress.

WordPress was founded by American developer Matt Mullenweg and English Developer Mike Little based on a fork of b2/cafelog under GPLv2 license.

Originally WordPress was designed as a blog publishing system but out of increased demand WordPress evolved to serve any type of Website use case including corporate websites, ecommerce websites and online stores, forms, learning management systems, portfolio sites among others.

WordPress has a simple architecture that includes Templates also known as Themes, Plugins to include the core functionality of the WordPress.

Unlike which avails WordPress as a service in managed hosting set up, is available as a download software which functions when installed on a webserver and a database. WordPress can (privately – not accessible over internet )work on a local computer for training or development purposes, publicly on private hosted servers and in a shared hosting environment which is the most popular mode of deployment of WordPress. Most cases WordPress is bundled within control panels such as Cpanel, Plesk, CWP, ISPConfig, Tpanel, and Cyberpanel


OLITT is a web design platform that includes an easy-to-use Website Builder that allows the creation of a Beautiful Website using ready-made templates that can be customized by drag and drop of objects and inline editing of text.

Its takes under 1 hour to come up with a fast, functional html website.

Let’s dive into OLITT vs WordPress comparison.

Olitt vs WordPress

OLITT vs. WordPress Comparisons

Ease of UseLearning on how WordPress works is critical, introductory programming skills may be necessary to fully harness the power of WordPress.Easy to use, no learning curve, no programming skills required.OLITT
SecuritySecurity of a WordPress website depend on the host, user require to install plugins to secure the WordPress further.OLITT provides secure Websites by Default.OLITT
SpeedSpeed of WordPress Websites depend on the host, the hosting servers and level of optimization of the website. WordPress Website optimization require deployment of compression plugins, CDN plugins among othersOLITT provide lightning fast websites by Default. Inbuilt CDN, and gzip compression technology ensures every Olitt Website is super optimized for speed.OLITT
Reliability (uptime)Reliability of WordPress depend on the Host provider. Its recommend to get WordPress Hosting from a great Host company like Hostigator, Bluehost, Siteground, Truehost, AWS, Google among otherOLITT provides 99.999% uptime guarantee, High level of reliabilityOLITT
SupportSupport is provided by one of the largest community supported on several forums, most WordPress hosting providers also provide website support.Small community growing on OLITT forum 24/07 support is provided by OlittOLITT- WordPress
Ready-made TemplatesThousands of Free Ready-made WordPress templates are available, it also called ThemesHundreds of Free Ready-made templates are available on OLITT Marketplace.WordPress
SEOWordPress Website require plugins achieve Search Engine Optimization such plugins include Yoast Seo, SEMrush, All in One SEO Pack, Rank math e.t.cOLITT Websites have inbuilt SEO functionalities that allow websites to be SEO friendly with minimal work.OLITT
FunctionalitiesWordPress support hundreds of usecases such as Ecommerce and Online stores, Blogging, Corporate Websites, Forums, Learning Management System, and any other usecases. WordPress can easily extend its functionality to support new usecases through plugins and themesOLITT is a relatively new platform therefore supports just the most popular use cases such Corporate websites, blogs, General Websites, Online Stores (under development)WordPress
BudgetThe cost of Developing and maintaining a WordPress website varies but most reliable service providers offer a $3/month packageOLITT is one the cheapest Website Builder service and the $1.99/Month package is best it can get.OLITT


Decision on whether to have a WordPress website or OLITT website is an easy one, if looking for a beautiful, fast, secure, SEO friendly website within a tight schedule – OLITT is the best.

If you have some coding skills and looking to develop a very dynamic website that you can extend functionality, if you are also looking for a self-hosted website, if you have time and you are ready to roll up your sleeves for results then – WordPress is the best.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can I get some developing help on

OLITT is basically a Do it Yourself (DIY) platform that in 10 minutes you can have the site up and running but in case you still need some help, check out for Olitt certified Guides on and hire them at competitive rates.

Can I get WordPress as a service with all the necessary optimizations?

WordPress as service is available on include popular optimizations and security plugins. Check out their plans.

That is the OLITT vs WordPress comparison, what do you think? Leave a comment below.

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