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How to Write Product Descriptions that Will Sell

If you are selling products online, you need to know how to write product descriptions that will sell. 

A study claims that 50% of users return online purchases if they don’t match the product descriptions. And more than 80% of users conduct online research before purchasing a product, which is why you can’t ignore this aspect of selling online.

This guide will show you how to write product descriptions that are both informative and persuasive. 

By the time you finish reading, you’ll be able to write product descriptions that will help your customers make informed decisions about your products – and convince them to buy from you instead of your competition.

What is a Product Description?

A product description is a written statement describing a product’s or service’s key features and benefits. This is usually done to persuade potential customers to purchase the item. 

To write an effective product description, you will need to do some market research to understand what your target audience is looking for

You should also have a clear understanding of the features and benefits of your product or service. Once you have this information, you can start writing your product description. 

Some tips for writing effective product descriptions include: using persuasive language, highlighting the unique selling points of your product, and including customer testimonials. 

Also, ensure that your grammar and spelling are correct, as this can make or break a sale. 

Nearly 90% of consumers rate product content extremely or very important when deciding to buy. 

As such, a good product description will be clear and concise, providing readers with all the information they need about the product. It should also be persuasive, convincing readers that this is their desired product.

But don’t worry, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. We will dive deeper in this blog post.

Sales Benefits of Writing Product Descriptions

As we’ve mentioned, a product description copy is one of the most important pieces of writing on your website or online store. That’s because it serves a few very specific purposes:

a). Helps convince potential customers to buy your product.

From the study we mentioned, over 80% of consumers research online before buying a product

What do you think they are looking at? The product description, of course! 

Your job as a business owner or marketer is to ensure that your product descriptions are written in such a way that they convince potential customers to make a purchase.

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b). Helps improve your SEO (search engine optimization). 

Product descriptions allow you to include relevant keywords that help improve your website’s SEO. 

When potential customers search for products online, you want your site to appear as high as possible in the search results. 

Including relevant keywords in your product descriptions can help improve your chances of ranking higher in the search results.

c). Helps give potential customers a better understanding of what your product is and does. 

A well-written product description should do more than just convince someone to buy a product; it should also give them a good idea of what the product is and how it works. 

By giving potential customers this information upfront, you’re helping to set realistic expectations and avoid any surprises or disappointments down the road.”

d). Use product descriptions to evoke emotions.

As they say, people buy with their emotions and then justify it with logic. 

When writing product descriptions, think about the type of emotion you want your potential customers to feel when they read them. 

Do you want them to feel excited? Intrigued? Reassured? 

Choose your words carefully to evoke the desired emotion in your potential customers, and you’ll be one step closer to making a sale.

e). Help users create a mental image.

I would buy a product if I could picture myself using it, and so would most people. 

When writing product descriptions, help potential customers create a mental image of themselves using your product by describing it in detail. 

What does it look like? What does it feel like? How will they use it? The more specific you can be, the better.

f). Minimize bounce rate.

The last thing you want is to spend sweat and tears to attract visitors to your website or online store only to have them leave without buying anything. 

This is called a “bounce,” and it’s something you want to avoid if at all possible. 

One way to help minimize bounce rate is by writing compelling product descriptions that keep potential customers engaged long enough to make a purchase.

Mind Your Choice of Words

According to David Ogilvy, the 20 most influential words include:

  • Suddenly
  • Now
  • Announcing
  • Introducing
  • Amazing
  • Sensational
  • Revolutionary
  • Miracle
  • Magic
  • Quick
  • Hurry

…And more.

Using the above words in your product description can influence customers to buy your product.

And it is not only tied to your product descriptions. You can use them in headlines, blog titles, and even social media posts to grab attention and get people talking about your product.

Just as there are some words you should use, there are also some words you should avoid using in your product descriptions. Words like “cheap”, “discounted”, and “budget-friendly” can turn potential customers away as they may think the quality of your product is low.

In fact, according to Unbounce, here are some of the words you should stop using either on your landing pages or when crafting product descriptions:

  • Fast delivery
  • Superior quality or top quality product
  • Excellent customer service
  • Breakthrough
  • Next-generation
  • Innovative 
  • Best-in-class

… And more.

How To Write Product Descriptions That Sell

Now that you know the role of product descriptions, it’s time to learn how to write product descriptions that sell.

1. Focus on your ideal buyer

When writing product descriptions, focusing on your ideal buyer is important. Who are they? What do they want? Why would they buy your product? 

Put yourself in the shoes of your ideal buyer when writing product descriptions and think about what would appeal to them most.

The best product descriptions talk to the customer directly. Use words that your target audience uses daily. And that includes the word ‘you.’ 

For example, take a look at how Apple sells their MacBook Pro:

“You’re doing big things. And you need a notebook that can keep up. So we created one with the power to do just that. With a new Intel Core processor, the latest graphics and more storage, it’s our most powerful notebook yet.”

This product description is focused on the ideal buyer – someone who needs a powerful notebook to keep up with their big ideas. By using words like ‘you’ and ‘your,’ Apple speaks directly to their target audience and tells them how this product can help them in their everyday life.

 Think about what kind of humor your users appreciate. If you’re selling a product that appeals to people who enjoy puns, ensure your descriptions are full of them!

2. Use strong adjectives

When writing product descriptions, using strong adjectives is important. Adjectives allow you to describe your product in more detail and make it more relatable to potential customers.

Some strong adjectives that you can use include: 

  • Amazing 
  • Incredible 
  • Gorgeous 
  • Perfect 
  • Essential 

Remember, the goal is to make your product sound as appealing as possible! So don’t be afraid to go overboard with the adjectives. Just make sure they are relevant and accurate.

Here’s an example of using strong adjectives in a product description: 

“This incredible laptop is perfect for anyone who needs a powerful computer to keep up with their busy lifestyle. With its fast processor and large storage, this laptop can handle anything you throw at it.”

In this example, the adjectives ‘incredible,’ ‘perfect,’ and ‘powerful’ describe the laptop. This makes the product appealing to potential customers who need a reliable computer to keep up with their busy lifestyles.

Read also: How To Write A Perfect Business Plan for An Ecommerce Website.

3. Use persuasive language

Persuasive language can be used to convince potential customers to buy your product. 

Some examples of persuasive language include: 

  • You need this in your life 
  • This will change the way you live 
  • You won’t be able to live without it  

Remember, the goal is to make your product sound as appealing as possible! 

So don’t hesitate to use strong language that convinces people they need your product in their life.

Unfortunately, some people may go overboard with persuasive language and end up sounding like a used car salesman. So make sure to use persuasive language sparingly and only when relevant.

Here’s an example of how to use persuasive language in a product description: 

“This laptop is perfect for anyone who needs a powerful computer to keep up with their busy lifestyle. With its fast processor and large storage, this laptop can handle anything you throw at it. You need this in your life.”

In this example, persuasive language is used to convince potential customers that they need this product. 

Using phrases like ‘you need this in your life’ and ‘you won’t be able to live without it,’ the author tries to persuade readers that buying this laptop is a necessity, not a luxury.

4. Use images wisely

Images are important when writing product descriptions because they help potential customers visualize what they are buying. 

Make sure to use high-quality images that accurately represent your product. And if you can, try to use multiple images from different angles so potential customers can get a good idea of what your product looks like.

In addition to using high-quality images, you must also ensure the image is relevant to the text. 

For example, don’t use an image of a cat if your product has nothing to do with cats. That would just be confusing for potential customers.

Here’s an example of how not to use images in a product description

 “This laptop is perfect for anyone who needs a powerful computer.”  

Well, as cute as these furry animals are, this image is completely irrelevant and does not help potential customers visualize what they are buying. In fact, it just confuses them.

5. Use positive reviews and testimonials

If you have any positive reviews or testimonials from customers, make sure to include them in your product descriptions. 

This is called social proof. And it has been proven to be effective in influencing people’s buying decisions. 

Including positive reviews and testimonials in your product descriptions will make potential customers more likely to buy your product because they can see that other people have had success with it.

Here’s an example of using social proof in a product description: 

“This laptop is perfect for anyone who needs a powerful computer to keep up with their busy lifestyle. With its fast processor and large storage, this laptop can handle anything you throw at it. 

Here’s what some of our customers have said about it: 

‘This laptop is amazing! It has completely changed the way I live.’ -John Doe 

‘I never thought I’d find a laptop that could keep up with my busy lifestyle, but this one does it perfectly.’ – Jane Doe.

In this example, the author includes two positive reviews from customers. This helps to create social proof and makes potential customers more likely to buy the product.

Again, reading this might get you thinking, what if I don’t have any reviews or testimonials? 

If you don’t have any positive reviews or testimonials, that’s okay! 

All you have to do is contact your happy customers and ask them to write a review or testimonial for you. 

Most people are happy to do it if you just ask.

6). Tell a story

Have you heard stories sell? 

Including a story in your product description is a great way to connect with potential customers on an emotional level. 

When you can make a potential customer feel something, they are more likely to be interested in your product. 

Here’s an example of how to use storytelling in a product description: 

“This laptop is perfect for anyone who needs a powerful computer to keep up with their busy lifestyle. With its fast processor and large storage, this laptop can handle anything you throw at it. 

I remember when I first got this laptop, I was worried it wouldn’t be able to keep up with my demanding work schedule. But boy, was I wrong! This laptop has been a lifesaver. It can handle anything I need it to do, and then some. 

If you’re looking for a laptop to keep up with your busy lifestyle, this is the one for you.

In this example, the author tells a personal story about how the product changed their life. By doing so, they can connect with potential customers emotionally and make them more likely to be interested in buying the product.

And it doesn’t have to be your story! You can tell the story of one of your customers. 

For example, if you sell a health product and have a customer who lost 100 pounds with your help, that would make for an amazing story to include in your product description. 

People love reading stories about how a certain product or service has helped other people. So don’t be afraid to use them in your own product descriptions!

7). Split test your product descriptions

To determine what type of product description works best for your business, you need to split-test different versions. 

Split testing is when you create two or more versions of a product description and then test to see which one performs better. 

To split test your product descriptions, you must create different versions of your product descriptions and then track the results. 

For example, you could create two versions of a product description for the same product. Version A could be shorter, while version B could be longer. 

Then you would track how each version performed in terms of conversion rate (the number of people who bought the product). 

If Version A outperforms Version B, you know that shorter product descriptions work best for your business. If Version B outperforms Version A, you know that longer product descriptions work best for your business. 

You can also split-test different elements of your product descriptions, such as the headline, images, and Call-to-Action (CTA). 

By split-testing different versions of your product descriptions, you can figure out what works best for your business so you can make more sales.

Things to Keep in Mind When Writing Persuasive Product Descriptions

When writing persuasive product descriptions, it is important to keep a few things in mind to create descriptions that will actually sell the product. 

First, you need to choose goals and KPIs to measure the success of your descriptions; without this data, it will be difficult to know what is working and what isn’t. 

Secondly, be honest and transparent in your writing; customers can sense when they are being sold something, so it is important just to let the product speak for itself. 

Finally, know when to show and not tell; sometimes, showing the customer what the product can do is more effective than simply telling them. 


Remember that your goal is to sell the product when writing product descriptions. Write in a way that is clear, concise, and persuasive. Use strong verbs and sensory language to describe the product. 

Be sure to include information on what makes the product unique and why the reader should buy it.

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