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How to Write Product Descriptions That Sell: Examples and Templates for Powerful Descriptions

As an e-commerce business owner, you know that your product pages are essential to making sales and growing your business.

And at the heart of every successful product page is a well-crafted product description.

So, if you want to boost your sales and provide an enjoyable shopping experience for your customers, learning how to write product descriptions that sell is key.

A product description is your chance to showcase your product’s features and benefits, answer your customers’ questions, and ultimately, persuade them to buy.

But writing effective product descriptions can be a challenge, especially if you’re not sure where to start.

That’s why we’ve created this ultimate guide, which will teach you how to write compelling product descriptions for e-commerce.

By the end of this article, you’ll have the tips and tricks you need to create engaging, scannable, and SEO-friendly product copy that showcases your products in the best light and boosts your sales.

So, let’s dive in and explore the art of writing great product descriptions!

What is a Product Description?

How to Write Product Descriptions That Sell Examples and Templates for Powerful Descriptions

A product description is the marketing copy that describes a product’s features and benefits to potential customers.

It is usually found on a product page, alongside other elements like product images, reviews, and specifications.

The primary goal of a product description is to provide customers with the information they need to make an informed purchase decision and to persuade them that the product is the best solution to their needs.

Effective product descriptions are essential for e-commerce businesses as they can make or break a sale.

When done well, they can increase conversions, improve customer satisfaction, and even boost your search engine rankings.

So, taking the time to write compelling product copy is crucial for the success of your online store.

How to Write Product Descriptions That Sell

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s get into the nitty-gritty of how to write product descriptions that will make your e-commerce products fly off the (virtual) shelves.

1. Know Your Product Inside and Out

To write compelling copy, you first need to know your product inside and out.

This means understanding not just the features of the product, but also the benefits it brings to the customer.

What problem does it solve?

How is it unique or better than similar products on the market?

What materials is it made from and why does that matter?

The more you know about your product, the easier it will be to write persuasive copy that resonates with your target audience.

So, take the time to study the product, talk to the creators or manufacturers, and even test it out yourself if possible.

The better you understand the product, the more confident you’ll be in describing its value to potential customers.

2. Understand Your Target Audience

Knowing who you’re writing for is just as important as knowing what you’re writing about.

Take the time to understand your target audience, including their needs, wants, and pain points.

This will help you tailor your product description to resonate with them on a deeper level.

For example, if you’re selling a high-end skincare product, understanding your audience might involve recognizing that they are likely concerned about the quality of the ingredients and the science behind the product’s effectiveness.

On the other hand, if you’re selling a budget-friendly makeup line, your audience might be more interested in the affordability and versatility of the products.

By considering your audience’s unique needs and perspectives, you can create copy that speaks directly to them and addresses their specific concerns or questions.

3. Start with a Strong Product Title

The product title is often the first thing a customer will read, so it needs to be attention-grabbing and informative.

It should clearly state what the product is, and if possible, include a key benefit or unique selling point.

For example, instead of simply “Blue Cotton Shirt,” a more compelling product title could be “Breathable Cotton Button-Down: Your Go-To for All-Day Comfort.”

This title not only describes the product but also highlights one of its key benefits: breathability.

4. Use a Short Paragraph to Hook the Reader

Just like with any piece of writing, you need to hook your reader from the very beginning.

Start your product description with a short paragraph that summarizes the most important information and benefits.

This introductory paragraph should be concise, engaging, and easy to scan, giving the reader a quick overview of the product and leaving them wanting to know more.

For example: “Introducing our lightweight, breathable cotton button-down shirt, designed for all-day comfort and style. Made from premium cotton, this classic shirt is a must-have for any wardrobe, offering both versatility and durability.”

5. Describe the Product in Detail

After the introductory paragraph, it’s time to dive into the details.

This is where you can showcase your product knowledge and paint a picture for the customer.

Describe the product’s features, materials, dimensions, and any other relevant specifications.

However, avoid simply listing features. Instead, explain how each feature benefits the customer.

For example, instead of just stating the shirt is “made from premium cotton,” you could say, “crafted from 100% premium cotton for a soft, breathable feel that keeps you comfortable all day.”

Also, consider including any unique or unexpected details that set your product apart.

For instance, if the buttons on the shirt are made from recycled materials, be sure to mention that.

These types of details not only make your product stand out but also show that your brand values sustainability.

6. Make it Scannable

Online readers tend to scan content rather than read word-for-word, so it’s important to make your product descriptions scannable.

Use short paragraphs, bullet points, and clear, concise sentences to make the information easy to skim.

You can also use formatting to your advantage by bolding or highlighting key phrases or benefits.

This helps draw the reader’s eye to the most important information and ensures they get the gist of the product’s value even if they don’t read every word.

7. Tell a Story

Storytelling is a powerful tool in marketing, and it can be used effectively in your product descriptions.

Consider weaving a narrative into your copy that helps the customer envision using the product and experiencing the benefits for themselves.

For example, you could tell a story about how the shirt’s breathable fabric kept someone comfortable and confident during a big job interview, or how its classic style made them feel polished and put-together for an important event.

By creating a narrative, you help the customer connect with the product on a deeper level and see themselves using it.

8. Use High-Quality Product Images

A picture is worth a thousand words, and this is especially true in e-commerce.

High-quality product images are essential for showcasing your product and making it more desirable.

Invest in professional product photography that accurately represents your product, highlighting its best features and unique details.

If possible, include multiple images from different angles, as well as lifestyle shots that show the product in use.

This not only helps customers visualize owning and using the product, but it also builds trust and confidence in their purchasing decision.

9. Don’t Forget the SEO

Your product descriptions should not only be compelling to humans but also to search engines.

After all, you want your product pages to rank well in search results so that potential customers can actually find them.

Use relevant keywords and phrases throughout your copy that describe the product and align with what your target audience might be searching for.

For example, if you’re selling a blue cotton shirt, make sure to include those terms in your description.

However, be careful not to keyword stuff, as this can turn off readers and actually hurt your SEO.

10. Include Social Proof

Social proof, such as customer reviews and ratings, is incredibly powerful in influencing purchasing decisions.

Including product reviews and testimonials can boost your credibility, build trust with potential customers, and even help your SEO by keeping your content fresh and relevant.

If you have a new product with no reviews yet, consider including testimonials from beta testers or early adopters.

You can also include quotes or feedback from customers who have purchased similar products from you in the past.

Social proof helps potential buyers feel more confident in their decision to buy and can be the nudge they need to convert.

11. Keep it Consistent

Consistency is key when it comes to product descriptions, especially if you’re selling a range of products.

Create a style guide or template for your product descriptions to ensure a consistent tone, format, and level of detail across all your product pages.

This not only creates a seamless and professional shopping experience for your customers but also helps reinforce your brand identity.

A consistent approach to product descriptions can also make it easier for customers to compare similar products, ultimately helping them make a purchasing decision.

Product Description Template and Examples

If you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed, don’t worry!

Here’s a simple product description template that you can use as a starting point, followed by some examples to inspire you.

Product Description Template

Product Title: [Include a benefit or unique selling point]

Introduction: [A short paragraph that summarizes the product’s key features and benefits]

Product Description:

  • [Describe the product in detail, including materials, dimensions, and unique features]
  • [Explain how each feature benefits the customer]
  • [Include any unique or unexpected details that set the product apart]

Why You’ll Love It:

  • [Benefit #1]
  • [Benefit #2]
  • [Benefit #3]

The Bottom Line: [A concise summary of why the product is the best choice]

Example 1: Blue Cotton Shirt

Product Title: Breathable Cotton Button-Down: Your Go-To for All-Day Comfort

Introduction: Introducing our lightweight, breathable cotton button-down shirt, designed for those who want style and comfort. Made from premium cotton, this classic shirt offers both versatility and durability, making it a must-have for any wardrobe.

Product Description:

  • Crafted from 100% premium cotton, this shirt is soft, breathable, and comfortable for all-day wear.
  • Features a timeless button-down style with a spread collar, offering a polished look for any occasion.
  • Includes a chest pocket for a touch of practicality and style.
  • The durable construction and easy-care fabric make this shirt a low-maintenance staple.

Why You’ll Love It:

  • Breathable fabric keeps you comfortable and confident all day.
  • Classic style that easily transitions from day to night or casual to formal.
  • Easy care and durable construction mean this shirt will last for years to come.

The Bottom Line: Whether you’re dressing up for a big meeting or keeping it casual on the weekends, our breathable cotton button-down is the perfect choice for any occasion.

Example 2: Sustainable Yoga Mat

Product Title: Eco-Friendly Yoga Mat: Your Sustainable Practice Partner

Introduction: Namaste in style and comfort with our eco-friendly yoga mat. Made from natural, sustainable materials, this mat offers a non-slip surface and superior cushioning for all your downward dogs.

Product Description:

  • Constructed from natural tree rubber and recycled materials, providing an eco-conscious and durable yoga practice surface.
  • Features a unique, non-slip texture that grips to the floor and your hands and feet, ensuring a stable and secure practice.
  • Offers superior cushioning to support your joints and provide comfort during any yoga or fitness routine.
  • The beautiful, nature-inspired design brings a touch of tranquility to your practice.

Why You’ll Love It:

  • Sustainable and eco-friendly construction reduces your environmental impact.
  • Non-slip surface enhances stability and safety during practice.
  • Superior cushioning provides joint support and comfort.

The Bottom Line: Our eco-friendly yoga mat offers a sustainable, non-slip, and comfortable surface for your yoga or fitness routine, helping you connect with your body and the planet.

Product Description FAQ

Why are product descriptions important?

Product descriptions are important because they provide potential customers with the information they need to make an informed purchase decision. They showcase the product’s features and benefits, answer common questions, and ultimately, persuade the customer that the product is the best solution to their needs. Effective product descriptions can increase conversions, improve customer satisfaction, and even boost your search engine rankings.

How do I write a good product description?

Writing a good product description starts with knowing your product inside and out, including its features and benefits. Understand your target audience and their needs, and then use clear, concise, and engaging language to highlight how the product can solve their problems or improve their lives. Make your description scannable, include high-quality images, and don’t forget to optimize for SEO by using relevant keywords.

What should a product description include?

A product description should include a clear and concise summary of the product’s features and benefits, as well as any unique or unexpected details that set it apart. It should answer common questions that a customer might have and provide enough information for them to make an informed purchase decision. This could include materials, dimensions, care instructions, and any relevant specifications.

How do I make my product descriptions more engaging?

To make your product descriptions more engaging, consider telling a story that helps the customer envision using the product. Use formatting to your advantage by bolding or highlighting key benefits, and break up the text with bullet points or short paragraphs to make it scannable. Include high-quality, captivating images that showcase the product in use, and if possible, include video content to bring the product to life.

Wrapping Up: Start Writing Compelling Copy Today

Writing compelling product descriptions for e-commerce is an essential skill for any online business owner. It’s an art that, when mastered, can boost sales, improve customer satisfaction, and even enhance your search engine rankings. By taking the time to understand your product and your target audience, and using the tips and template provided in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to crafting effective and engaging product copy.

Remember to keep your descriptions scannable, SEO-friendly, and consistent, and don’t underestimate the power of storytelling and high-quality images. With these tools in your arsenal, you’ll be writing product descriptions that sell and watching your e-commerce business thrive.

So, what are you waiting for?

It’s time to start crafting those compelling product descriptions and watch your online store flourish!

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