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#7 Fundamental Features a Business Website Needs To Succeed

In collaboration with our friends at Team XYZ

online Business website

More people are going online today than ever before. In fact, current usage statistics say 62% of the world’s population is now online.1

Your website is one of the best ways to tap into this growing market, create new customers for your business, and promote your product or service.

If done well, your website can lend credibility and professionalism to your company, be fully customised to meet your business’s needs, and help you reach potential customers all over the world.

But what features does your website need to unlock its full potential and drive more customers to your business?

We will show you seven successful businesses websites that are prime examples of the key features that make an impactful company website.

1. Websites make your business easy to find

search business website online

Visibility is crucial for your business’ website.

Reach your target audience by choosing a short, memorable domain name that clearly conveys your brand or business goals.

Use keyword domain names to rank easily in relevant searches for your product and branding opportunities.

An example of this idea is all-in-one property management platform

Memorable keyword website for property management is a free-to-use property listing platform designed by property investors, for property investors. Their goal is to offer services for each step in the property buying process.

The company’s long term aim is to become the world’s leading property management platform. That’s why they chose the domain name, which exactly matches the keyword search term for their industry.

“We’re creating a property platform that works for everyone,” says co-founder Robert Jones. “All buyers. All sellers. All agents and suppliers. Covers all geographic areas. All property types.

All property categories from residential to commercial.

Offering steps to search and own a property. They aim to Build the world’s most intelligent property platform.’

2. A website to tell your story

Business website for story telling such as review websites

Many of today’s customers want the values of the companies they’re supporting to match their own.

Telling the story behind your product or service helps customers get to know your business and creates that deeper connection they may be seeking.

Sharing how your business began, having a page introducing your team, and showing photos or video from inside your office are all effective ways to promote your company’s values to potential customers.

One example website that accomplishes this very well is ,health and wellness professionals online.

The COVID-19 pandemic did not stop the team at Moxie from working though gyms and fitness studios remained closed, helped instructors with tools to continue their services online. shares the story of their inspiration to create the platform, along with the history of their service, in a section titled “Our Story.”’s origin story proved they earned their name, showing the company’s resilience, resourcefulness, and the genuine care that went into creating their platform.

3. Business websites need to be user-friendly

This means your website is easy for customers to navigate and read through.

Good user experience on your website helps generate more leads and sales.

If your site is confusing or difficult to navigate on first visit, you could see a large number of potential customers quickly exit your page.

When users “bounce” from your page like this, you lose potential conversions.

How well does your site guide visitors toward the actions you want visitors to take?

An example of well structured website is

Easy to navigate business website

4. Business websites build trust

This is achieved by featuring testimonials from customers who have had a positive experience with your business.

Showcase awards or notable media coverage you have received.

The purpose is to show potential customers that others trust your company’s product or service and that it meets their quality standards.

A great example website is

Customer review on business website

5. Business websites to help stay in touch with your customers

Stay in touch with your customers, by sending newsletters and being active on social media.

This helps businesses remain on customers’ minds and drive them back to their website to generate sales and offer improved product usage.

Other ways to remain memorable are offering advice on product usage, possible revenue channels for users, featuring a section for website visitors to sign up or share feedback.

How Stays in touch on her business website

6. Business website offer clear calls to action

 The call to action tells website visitors what to do on your website.

Such call to action include : sign up for your service, buy a products, contact us to work with you, join our team.

This is an effective way to close the deal with website visitors with add to cart or sign up for service.

The best calls to action will catch website visitors’ eyes and inspire them to complete something that further engages them with your business.

Lack of clear calls to action, gets website visitors confused, leading to loss of direction or interest.

Potential customers may leave without purchasing your product or service.

An example of website with good call to action,

Clear call to Action: Join the Ecosystem

7. Make your business website mobile friendly

Your business website needs to be designed to appeal to mobile users since majority of your website’s visitors will use mobile devices.

Mobile friendly features include:

a. Simple icon layout of navigation bar  – to allow users to move through the site quickly and efficiently.

b. Presence of toned-down versions of the background colours – use of strategically placed colour codes will help users pause to take in information on your website.

c. Added gestures for swiping functionalities – using functionalities such as pinching, double touching, drag and hold helps visitors to stay on website for longer.

d. Intuitive interface allows the user to view website from different devices such as tablets Pc and standard mobile devices, in portrait  and landscape form without losing website shape or features. This helps your users to enjoy interactions on your business website.

Most website builders such as Olitt have pre-configured templates that are mobile friendly thus no reason to worry about mobile friendly interfaces.

Mobile friendly websites

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